Sunday, April 13, 2014

Can we trust Finian?

Do you think that we can trust Finian?
See Here: Looks Sneaky, huh? He even promised me a trophy if I can sell eggs to Mellee 500 Times! I don't think I could do that though, lol. O.o

Saturday, April 12, 2014

News Round-up!

Hey Guys! Here is your weekly petpet park round up!
Thursday, April 10th, 2014:

                                                                       Sell Eggs!
                                                             If you haven't gotten your prizes
                                                             or the egg trophy yet, keep selling
                                                              more eggs before the end of April!
                                                                   Candy Color Bottle!
                                                               Talk about cute! The Candy Color
                                                                Bottle will be in the mall for a limited
                                                                time only before it runs out this month!


Friday, April 11th, 2014:
                                                         Community Gathering!
                                                     Come visit the experts today!
                                                      Visit the community page for more
                                                      information! Server fire from 2:30 to
                                                      3:00 at Wishing Well and Clucken Loft.

Saturday, April 12th, 2014
                                                         Visit Finian this week only!
                                                      If you sell 5000 eggs than you get
                                                      a brand new trophy from Finian!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Hey World!

Hi! I'm princess katia and this is my brand new blog! It's basically about News, community, My adventures in petpet park combined in one big blog. I'll try my best to post everyday, but since school and homework really gets in the way, I may not be able to. Anyway, I can see you are asking questions already. Here are all the answers you need below:
1: Who is Princess Katia?- It's me of course!
2: What is Petpet park?- It's a virtual world owned by Jumpstart that is aimed for kids 6-14!
3: Where can you find Petpet park at?-
4: What is this Petpet park about?- It's a virtual world where you are in control of your very own Petpet! You can dress them up, play mini-games, shop for clothes, food, items, etc. And more!
5: How do I sign up?-
6: Is it free?- Yes! :) Though, there is an optional purchase of a membership or Neocash available.
7: What's Neocash?- Neocash is the premium currency of petpet park and neopets. You can use it to purchase exclusive items in the NC Mall.
8: Are there Game cards to buy membership with?- Definetley! If you'd rather prefer to buy a card than buy an online recurring membership or Neocash,
look here to see if a Game card is available in your stores:
USA: Target-$25 Neopets Nick Game Card
USA: CVS Pharmacy-$15 Neopets Nick Game Card
USA: Rite Aid-$10 Nick Game Card
USA: Toys-r-us-$10 Nick Game Card
USA: Walmart &$10 Nick Game Card
USA: Gamestop-$25 Monkey Quest Nick Game Card
Canada: Toys-r-us Canada-$10, $25 Nick Game Card
Canada: Walmart Canada-$10, $25 Nick Game Card
Canada: Shoppers-$25 Neopets Nick Game Card
Canada: Zellers- $10, $25 Nick Game Card & Petpet park Game Card
United Kingdom: Sainsbury's- £5 Nick Game Card
United Kingdom: WH Smith- £5 Nick Game Card
United Kingdom: Game- £5 Nick Game Card
Mexico: Gamers- $150 Neocash Card
Mexico: Liverpool- $150 Nick Game Card
Mexico: El Palacio De Hierro- $150 Nick Game Card
Mexico: Walmart Mexico- $150 Neocash Card
Mexico: Fabricas De Francia-$150 Nick Game Card
Australia: EB Games- $15 Nick Gift Card & $15 Monkey Quest
Australia: Toys-r-us Australia- $15 Nick Gift Card
Australia: Game Australia- $15 Nick Gift Card
Australia: Woolworths- $15 Nick Gift Card
New Zealand: EB Games New Zealand- $15 Nick Gift Card & $15 Monkey Quest
New Zealand: Warehouse- $15 Nick Gift Card
New Zealand: New World- $15 Nick Gift Card
New Zealand: Pak n' Save- $15 Nick Gift Card
New Zealand: Woolworths New Zealand- $15 Nick Gift Card
Brazil: Saraiva- R$20 Nick Game Card
Brazil: Rock Laser- R$20 Nick Game Card
Brazil: Geek- R$20 Nick Game Card
If you don't see your country listed above, you can still buy membership and Neocash online.
9: What can you get with Neocash? Here is a list of things:
Garden Decorations! Customise your garden with special seeds and fantastic decorations!- 100 to 300 NC
Home Items! Change the outside of your house and decorate the interior with all sorts of fantastic home items! 100 to 500 NC
Special Access! Access to private locations with weekly parties, rare harvestables, and exclusive jobs and items! 100 to 300 NC
Cardcasters Packs! These exclusive themed card packs will assist you in becoming a Cardcasters master! 150 to 400 NC
Wish Coins! Toss a coin into the Wishing Well and wish for a magical surprise! 200 NC
Mystery Capsules! Who knows what marvelous surprises that you'll find inside these capsules? 150 to 250 NC
Deluxe Crafting Kits! Crafting Kits contain the perfect ingredients to craft something truly special and exquisite! 150 to 300 NC
Color Bottles! Feeling fiery, cloudy, or shimmery? Change up your petpet's look accordingly! 150 to 250 NC
Exclusive Quests! Embark on exclusive exciting adventures and earn beautiful rare items. 150 to 500 NC
Premium Outfits! Adorn yourself like royalty, clothe yourself in magical robes, or dress for adventure! 300 to 500 NC
Haircuts and Wings! Enhance your style with a crazy hairstyle or a whimsical pair of wings. 125 to 200 NC
Morphing Potions! Change the species of your petpet using a Morphing Potion! 1000 NC
10: What do you get with Membership? Members only clothes, unlimited access to all zones, NC wish coin each week, NC quest item each week, exclusive monthly garden collectibles, 1000 park points every week, and more!
If you don't see your question listed above, contact me here with your question and I will answer it as fast as I can:
Have fun! :)